A Knowledge Database for Applied Chemostratigraphy

Oxide to Element Conversion

How to convert oxide to element concentrations?

Why do we want to convert oxide to element concentrations (or vice versa)?

Element concentrations, particularly those of the major elements (Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, K, Ca, Ti, Mn, and Fe), are commonly reported in the oxide form (Na2O, MgO, Al2O3, etc.). Sometimes even trace elements are reported as oxides, e.g., Cr2O3, V2O5, NiO, ZrO2, etc. (see Table 2). Therefore, you may need an oxide to element conversion or vice versa.

The oxidation stage of the element determines the form of the oxide, such as that of iron, i.e., FeIII2O3 or FeIIO. This has an implication of the environment the mineral development or deposition. For instance, Fe-minerals may oxidise in certain environments leading to FeIII, while under anoxic or even euxinic conditions FeII might prevail. Thus, you may need to correct the elemental data se for the dominating oxidation states of certain elements.

Particularly trace elements can have several oxidation states and associated oxide forms. Commonly, trace elements are reported in the element form from chemical analyses, but sometimes this is not the case. It is recommended to convert these oxides back to elements.

Another reason for conversion to element formats can be mineral modelling (although I would recommend using mole for such).

How to convert oxide to element concentrations or vice versa?

The conversion from oxide to element or element to oxide is straight forward. All we need are the atomic weights of the involved element and oxygen, which can be easily been taken from any good Periodic Table of Elements (e.g., IUPAC.org).

As an example, let’s convert SiO2 to Si:

  1. Firstly, we need the molecular weight of SiO2. This is calculated from the atomic weight of silicon (Si; 28.0855) and oxygen (O, 15.9994). Thus, the molecular weight of SiO2 is 28.0855 (Si) plus 2×15.9994 (O2 = 2xO) equals 60.0843 (28.0855 + 2×15.9994 = 60.0843). [The unit of the atomic weight is g/mol.]
  2. Then, we divide the concentration of SiO2 (either in % or ppm) by its molecular weight, i.e. 60.0855. Now we have the SiO2 as mole.
  3. The next step is to multiply SiO2 mole with the atomic weight of Si (remember?) 28.0855. Now we have Si in % or ppm depending what you used at the beginning.

element = oxide/molecular weight x atomic weight

Similar to convert from element to oxide, e.g., Si to SiO2 (to stay with our example):

  1. Divide Si concentration (either % or ppm) by its atomic weight of 28.0855.
  2. Then multiply with the molecular weight of SiO2, 60.0855.

oxide = element/atomic weight x molecular weight

Oxide to element conversion factors

As you can see, we are just using constants, i.e., atomic weights. Thus we can calculate conversion factors for each element (or get them from the internet, but then possibly we won’t know if the latest or correct atomic weights have been used).

Calculating conversion factors follows the same method as above, but without using the actual element/oxide concentration.

So, here we go …

How to calculate …

conversion factors

The oxide concentration is divided by its molecular weight and multiplied by the atomic weight of the element (or in the other direction: element / atomic weight x molecular weight).
For example, SiO2 to Si = 1/60.0843 x 28.0855 = 0.467435.
[molecular weight SiO2 = atomic weight Si (28.0855) + 2x atomic weight oxygen (15.9994)]

How to use the conversion factors?

1. To convert oxide to elemental concentrations, multiply the oxide concentration with the associated factor.

2. To convert elemental to oxide concentrations, divide the elemental concentration by the associated factor.

Tables 1 and 2 below provide conversion factor from oxides to elements (and vice versa).

Table 1: Conversion factors for most common oxides/elements.

Oxide Conversion Factor Element
Al2O3 0.52925 Al
BaO 0.89534 Ba
CaO 0.7147 Ca
FeO 0.77731 Fe
Fe2O3 0.69943 Fe
K2O 0.83016 K
Na2O 0.74186 Na
MgO 0.6031 Mg
MnO 0.77446 Mn
P2O5 0.43642 P
SiO2 0.46744 Si
SO3 0.40049 S
TiO2 0.59951 Ti

Table 2: Conversion factors for oxides/elements in alphabetic order.

Oxide Conversion factor Element
Ac2O3 0.90439 Ac
Ag2O 0.930958 Ag
Al2O3 0.52925 Al
As2O3 0.75739 As
B2O3 0.31057 B
BaO 0.89534 Ba
BeO 0.36032 Be
Bi2O3 0.89699 Bi
CaO 0.7147 Ca
Cb2O5 0.69904 Cb
CdO 0.87539 Cd
Ce2O3 0.85377 Ce
CeO2 0.81409 Ce
Co3O4 0.73423 Co
CoO 0.78648 Co
Cr2O3 0.6842 Cr
Cs2O 0.94323 Cs
Cu2O 0.88818 Cu
CuO 0.79885 Cu
Er2O3 0.87452 Er
Fe2O3 0.69943 Fe
Fe3O4 0.7236 Fe
FeO 0.77731 Fe
Ga2O3 0.743966 Ga
Gd2O3 0.86759 Gd
GeO2 0.69405 Ge
HfO2 0.8479778 Hf
HgO 0.92613 Hg
In2O3 0.827119 In
K2O 0.83016 K
La2O3 0.85268 La
Li2O 0.4645 Li
MgO 0.6031 Mg
Mn2O3 0.69597 Mn
MnO 0.77446 Mn
MnO2 0.63193 Mn
MoO3 0.66654 Mo
Na2O 0.74186 Na
Nb2O5 0.69904 Nb
Nd2O3 0.85735 Nd
NiO 0.78584 Ni
P2O5 0.43642 P
PbO 0.97312 Pb
PbO2 0.86622 Pb
Pr2O3 0.8544687 Pr
RaO 0.93389 Ra
Rb2O 0.914411 Rb
Sb2O3 0.83362 Sb
SeO2 0.71162 Se
SiO2 0.46744 Si
Sm2O3 0.862389 Sm
SnO2 0.78765 Sn
SO2 0.50051 S
SO3 0.40049 S
SO4 0.33376 S
SrO 0.84559 Sr
Ta2O5 0.81897 Ta
Tb2O3 0.8688 Tb
TeO2 0.79951 Te
ThO2 0.87881 Th
TiO2 0.59951 Ti
Tl2O3 0.89491 Tl
U3O8 0.848 U
UO2 0.8815 U
V2O5 0.56017 V
VO2 0.6142 V
WO3 0.79298 W
Y2O3 0.78744 Y
ZnO 0.80337 Zn
ZrO2 0.74031 Zr

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