A Knowledge Database for Applied Chemostratigraphy

AddOns for plotting a Ternary Diagram in Excel

Below are the coordinates for the grid lines for the ternary diagram from my article How to plot a Ternary Diagram in Excel (like in Figure 19, columns AA and AB rows 25 to 104).

Figure 19: Adding gridlines to the ternary diagram.

The coordinates can be copied and pasted from here. Make sure that there are empty cells in every third row.


45 90
55 90
40 80
60 80
35 70
65 70
30 60
70 60
25 50
75 50
20 40
80 40
15 30
85 30
10 20
90 20
5 10
95 10
95 10
90 0
90 20
80 0
85 30
70 0
80 40
60 0
75 50
50 0
70 60
40 0
65 70
30 0
60 80
20 0
55 90
10 0
5 10
10 0
10 20
20 0
15 30
30 0
20 40
40 0
25 50
50 0
30 60
60 0
35 70
70 0
40 80
80 0
45 90
90 0

2 thoughts on AddOns for plotting a Ternary Diagram in Excel

    1. Thank you for reaching out. Glad to hear that it was of good help. Feedback is always welcome – Danke schön.

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